تحميل لعبة need for speed carbon كاملة

تحميل لعبة need for speed carbon كاملة 

Need for Speed: Carbon 
                         متطلبات تشغيل اللعبة :

Operating System:Windows XP Service Pack 2
Processor: 1.7 GHz *
Memory:512 MB RAM* 
*Hard Drive:4.7 GB for CD/DVD versions / 11 GB for EA Downloader version (5GB for download, 6GB for install) 
*Video Card:A video card with 64 MB memory and one of these chipsets is NVIDIA GeForce3 / NVIDIA GeForce4 (Ti series only) / ATI Radeon 8500. 
Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported 
*Sound CardirectX 9.0c compatible 
*DirectX:Version 9.0c
*Online Multiplayer:512 Kbps connection; 2-8 Players
*Input:*Keyboard, Mouse
صور من اللعبه:

1   رابط تحميل  : UTORRENT 3.1.2

 2    رابط تحميل: DAEMOON TOOLS

3  رابط تحميل:n.f.s carbon

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